SpringCard K531 - Console operation

About this document

This document provides information regarding the SpringCard K531 OEM embedded software.

You will find a detailed description of the SpringCard K531 hardware in the product datasheet.


This document is to be used by anyone wishing to build embedded electronic systems implementing the use of a ISO 144443 contactless interface.


Date Description
05/02/2007 Initial release


The "console" included in K531 OEM embedded software is not a part of the specified product features. They provide only a tool for product evaluation and test.

Depending on firmware version, the list of available commands, and the format of their parameters, may dramatically change, due to new features being included, and to heavy differences in memory footprint.

Therefore, the console commands shall not be used at a production stage, and only be understood as a meany for developer or integrators to validate their hardware before writing host-side software.


Default communication parameters are :

Baudrate can be changed either at runtime (see below) or at startup (see K531 settings).

Mode : for performance reason, once firmware has started working either in OSI or in Binary protocol, the console is disabled. You must reset the module to enable the console (and the ASCII protocol BTW) again.


Getting the command list

Remember the list may vary when firmware version is updated.

Getting product version

Remember the list may vary when firmware version is updated.

Non-volatile settings (EEPROM)

Enter const to read current value of non-volatile settings.

Enter const=xxxxxxxx to set a new value, where xxxxxxxx is a 32-bit number (hexadecimal format) built according to K531 Settings document.

Non-volatile settings (FEED)

Please refer to K531 Settings document for a list of valid data (address and length). Do not try to change undocumented data !

Looking for cards (polling)

Card lookup is performed every 200ms, and RF field is switched OFF between each rounds. Add a "!" after the command to have a continuous polling, with RF field always ON.

Use the "Escape" key to exit from polling.

Advanced flags for polling

The polling command can be altered by those flags :

Working with Mifare cards

Select a type A card

Enter tag or taga to select a card. Note there's no difference between a Mifare card and another kind of card at this level.

Read a Mifare card

Enter read to read the card.

Load "out-of-factory" keys into RC' EEPROM

Enter keys_e2 to load the default keys.

This will overwrite any other key you may have entered before, either through the console or by software.

Load a secret keys into RC' EEPROM

To change Mifare 'A' keys :

To change Mifare 'B' keys :

xxxxxxxxxxxx is the 6-byte value of the key (hexadecimal format).

This will overwrite any other key you may have entered before, either through the console or by software.

Working with T=CL cards

Select a card

Enter tag, tagb or taga to select a card (14443-3 activation). Note there's no difference between a T=CL compliant card and another kind of card at this level.

Opening a T=CL session

Type A

Enter ats to ask a type A card to enter T=CL layer (14443-4 activation).

Type B

Enter attrib to ask a type B card to enter T=CL layer (14443-4 activation).

Exchanging T=CL frames

Enter apdu xx...xx to dialog with the T=CL card.

Closing T=CL session

Enter deselect to disconnect from the T=CL card.



Enter leds=xxx to configure the LEDs.

Allowed values for each parameter are :

Changing baudrate

New baudrate is applied immediatly. Change baudrate in your terminal to be able to communicate with the module again.

Changing RC settings

See K531 settings for details.

Driving RF field

Any card-related command ("tag, poll for instance) will automatically switch ON this field if it was OFF.